Vol.50,No.6 (2022)
- 原著論文
- [ 要約 ]
北九州市立大学・国際環境工学部 牛島あかね,惠良真理子,森田 洋…225
(株)日本触媒 仁科 彰
- 解説
- [ 要約 ]
Listeria monocytogenesの検出・検査法と衛生管理
相模女子大学 下島優香子…233
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
住重アテックス(株) 山瀬 豊…241
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
日本獣医生命科学大学・応用生命科学部 小林 史幸…247
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
麻布大学 生命・環境科学部 微生物学研究室 古畑 勝則…255
- ポスター賞受賞研究
三重大院・生物資源 嶋田 千里…267
- 会員の声−培養−
- 『名誉会員・篠田純男先生の『回想録~大学生活60年~』を読みて(その42)』…新井 一義…目次裏
- 海外文献抄録
- …坂上 吉一…246
- 会報
- …270
- カレンダー
- …和文目次裏
<English> Vol.50,No.6 (2022)
- Original Paper
Amebicidal Effects with regard to Acanthamoeba castellanii of Polymers
Containing the Cationic Monomer DEAM
- …by Akane USHIJIMA, Mariko ERA, Akira NISHINA, and Hiroshi MORITA…225
- Commentary
Hygiene Control and Rapid Method of Listeria monocytogenes
- …by Yukako SHIMOJIMA…233
- Lecture
Current Situation about Guarantee of Sterilization・Abacterial Sterilization andSterilization Validation
(2) Abacterial Guarantees of Pharmaceutical Products and Recommendation of Parametric Release
- …by Yutaka YAMASE…241
- Lecture
Safety and Security Science of Food -Microbial Contamination and Measures concerned with Food Manufacturing Sites and Food-
(15) Microbial Control using Microbubble and its Application to Food Hygiene
- …by Fumiyuki KOBAYASHI…247
- Lecture
Magazine Lectures Presented in the 48th Annual Conference (Special Lecture, Education Lecture, and Basic Lecture)
(4) The Causative Agent of Legionellosis, Let’s learn Legionella spp.
- …by Katsunori FURUHATA…255
- Poster Prize Receiving Study
Extraction of the Non-dissociation Type Hypochlorous Acid using Silicone Gum Permeability and Application to Sterilization
- …by Chisato SHIMADA…267
- Member’s Voice-Cultivation-
- …by Kazuyoshi ARAI…Reverse Page of the Contents
- Abstracts from Overseas Journals
- …by Yoshikazu SAKAGAMI…246
- Society Activities
- …270
- Calendar
- …Reverse Page of the Contents in Japanese