Vol.51,No.8 (2023)
- 短報
- [ 要約 ]
島根県産業技術センター 浜田技術センター 土佐 典照,小川 哲郎…487
- 特別寄稿文
Biocontrol ScienceからJournal of Microorganism Controlへ
日本防菌防黴学会 前会長 土戸 哲明…493
- 資料
- [ 要約 ]
北里大学医療衛生学部保健衛生学科 伊与 亨…497
第一公害プラント(株) 堀内 昌樹,青木 正治
- 解説
- [ 要約 ]
ピジョンホームプロダクツ(株) 事業推進G 鈴木 利彦…503
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
一般社団法人 食肉科学技術研究所 微生物部 中島 誠人…509
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
南九州大学 健康栄養学部 食品開発科学科 長田 隆…517
- 若手研究者フォーラム
神戸学院大学 栄養学部 伊藤 智…527
- 図書紹介『食品のカビ検索図鑑 自然環境・室内環境調査にも役立つ』
- …伴 さやか…502
- 会報
- …530
- カレンダー
- …和文目次裏
<English> Vol.51,No.8 (2023)
- Note
Effects of superheated steam containing micro-droplets of hot water on sterilization and quality were investigated for perilla seeds and perilla oil
- …by Noriteru TOSA and Tetsuro OGAWA…487
- Special Contribution
From Biocontrol Science to Journal of Microorganism Control−Name change in English-language of Journal of Antibacterial and Antifungal Agent−
- …by Tetsuaki TUCHIDO…493
- Data
Estimating the behavior of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria in activated sludge with hydrophobic grid membrane method using a combination of heat shock pre-treatment and two different-temperature incubation
- …by Toru IYO, Masaki HORIUCHI, and Shoji AOKI…497
- Commentary
Basic knowledge of oral care and sanilization evaluation test
- …by Toshihiko SUZUKI…503
- Lecture
Dominant Causes and Measures of Microbial Harms toward Foods
(3) Microbial hazards and its countermeasures in meat product manufacturing
- …by Yoshito NAKAJIMA…509
- Lecture
Dominant Causes and Measures of Microbial Harms toward Foods
(4) Hazards and countermeasures against microorganisms (bacterial spore) in the production of soft drinks
- …by Takashi OSADA…517
- Young Researcher Forum
Quantitative detection method of Campylobacter spp. and Investigation of contamination on downstream of the food chain for establishment of food-poisoning prevention method
- …by Satoshi ITOU…527
- Book Review
- …by Sayaka BAN…502
- Society Activities
- …530
- Calendar
- …Reverse Page of the Contents in Japanese