Vol.52,No.8 (2024)
- 総説
- [ 要約 ]
麻布大学 生命・環境科学部 古畑 勝則…333
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
北九州市立大学 国際環境工学部 環境生命工学科 森田 洋…347
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
(株)ファスマック 事業開発部 高崎 一人…357
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
東北大学大学院歯学研究科 口腔生化学分野 鷲尾 純平…369
高橋 信博
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
ナノ・マイクロバイオ研究所・中西技術士事務所 中西 弘一…379
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
(株)サーフテクノロジー 西谷 伴子…383
- 海外文献抄録
- …坂上 吉一…368
- 会報
- …388
- カレンダー
- …和文目次裏
<English> Vol.52,No.8 (2024)
- General Review
Society Award Study
Ecological and environmental hygiene studies on bacteria and their biofilms such as Legionella spp.
- …by Katsunori FURUHATA…333
- Lecture
- Safety and security science in home−microbial contamination in home and its countermeasure
(16) Application of fatty acids to floor materials and household products
- …by Hiroshi MORITA…347
- Lecture
- Research Front Line concerning Human Microbial Flora and Health-disease
(9) Next generation sequencing (NGS) analytical method of skin resident flora
- …by Kazuto TAKASAKI…357
- Lecture
Microorganism control in dentistry field
(5) Metabolism of oral microbiome and their involvement in oral / systemic diseases and health
- …by Jumpei WASHIO, and Nobuhiro TAKAHASHI…369
- Lecture
View point of microbial safety assurance for spore-forming bacterial control in food processing field
(5) Control of spore-forming bacteria in the food manufacture where sufficient heat-killing is not possible
- …by Koichi NAKANISHI…379
- Lecture
New Antimicrobial Technique by Nano-micro Structure
(3) Antibacterial performance on microscale rough surface formed by particle projection treatment
- …by Tomoko NISHITANI…383
- Abstracts from Overseas Journals
- …by Yoshikazu SAKAGAMI…368
- Society Activities
- …388
- Calendar
- …Reverse Page of the Contents in Japanese